Utah Criminal Defense Attorneys

Man wearing jeans in handcuffs

5 Things NOT To Say If You’ve Been Arrested

If you’ve been arrested, the best advice is to provide your name, provide your identification, and remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you. See our page about the Miranda Warning for more information.

If you are going to say any more, here are five things NOT to say:

I’m guilty!

NEVER admit that you’re guilty (even if you are guilty). You’re innocent until proven guilty. You should not help the prosecution by admitting guilt. If you admit to guilt, it makes defending you more difficult.

I’m sorry.

When you apologize, you are admitting fault and this admission can be used against you. The only time to apologize is when it’s required or necessary. If you plead guilty to a crime, the judge or prosecutor may require you to write an apology letter. Your attorney may also be able to negotiate a better plea deal if you apologize, but don’t say “I’m sorry” until it’s absolutely necessary.

Let me tell you my side of the story.

Don’t talk about your arrest without a lawyer present, even if you think that it may help to explain yourself or make things seem better for you. All this will do is provide information that can be used against you in court and give the prosecution more evidence to use against you. Any statement you make will be made under stress and won’t be the best statement you can make or put you in the best light. If you work with an attorney to provide a statement, your statement will be much better.

You can search my home/car/person.

Don’t let the police search anything without a warrant. You can say “I do not consent to any searches,” or “I’m going to remain silent and speak with my lawyer.” If you allow police to search, they may search everywhere in your home (including closets, drawers, cabinets, sheds, under beds, etc.) and everywhere in your car (passenger area and trunk). It is better to require police to obtain a search warrant. This lets the judge decide if the police have probable cause to search. You won’t look bad by not consenting to the search–you’ll look smart because you know your rights.

You Pig!

Don’t insult the officer by calling them names like pig or fascist. This isn’t only insulting for them but it makes you look bad to the prosecutor and judge. It is better to be polite, refuse any search, and refuse to speak with them.

Protect Your Rights After an Arrest

What you say after an arrest can significantly impact your case. Police officers and arresting officers carefully listen to everything you say, and even an innocent remark can be used against you. Staying calm, saying as little as possible, and requesting a defense lawyer immediately are the most effective ways to protect yourself. Anything beyond providing basic identification could jeopardize your legal defense.

The legal process can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. A strong legal advocate can help ensure your rights remain protected and that every step taken is in your best interest. If you or a loved one has been arrested, don’t wait to get legal guidance.  The sooner you take action, the better positioned you are to fight the charges and move forward with confidence.

If you are arrested and follow our advice, you will be in a much better position to fight your case and get the best resolution. Contact Conyers & Nix today to discuss your situation and build a strong defense strategy.